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SUSANA GALINDO QUINTANAR: Ganadora Mundial del Reto YORBESTBODY de 8 Semanas.

Escrito por Josefina Félix Estrada en Lunes, 06 Julio 2015. Publicado en Salud


¡Excelente día sudcalifornios.com! les comparto este importante éxito de Susana Galindo, ya que recientemente nos  avisaron que gano el primer lugar a nivel Mundial en la categoría de adelgazar en nuestro reto YORBESTBODY  de 8 Semanas. Susana es sudcalifornia, padece Diabetes y a continuación les compartimos su perfil, el cual está escrito en ingles ya que va dirigido a varios países.  



Hello, my name is Susana Galindo and I’m from La Paz, B.C.S. I started weighing 82 kg / 180 lbs and now I weigh 71.50 kg / 157 lbs; I lost 10.50 kg / 23 lbs and this is my second cycle of the YOR Best Body 8-Week Challenge.

I just turned 67 years old and before joining the Challenge I was worried about my life because I was diagnosed with diabetes. This worried me a lot because my father suffered from juvenile diabetes and when he died, one of his legs had already been amputated. That’s why I started stressing a lot, I couldn’t sleep and my dreams were about dying soon.

Fortunately, I saw my neighbor, Lupita Lopez, who had joined the Challenge and lost 14 kg / 30.86 lbs in only 8 weeks. When she explained to us that YOR Health was nothing but nutrition, which I was lacking, and that it had a digestive enzymes patent and that it’s completely natural, I decided to try it. I used the YOR Repair Ultra, which helped me decrease inflammation. I also took the YOR Essential Vitamins, which helped me with my hair loss. Now I have energy and a resting sleep. The product I like the most, besides the YOR Shake, is the YOR SuperGreens because it has helped improve the quality of my life, I went from a glucose level of 450 to 97; and it makes me happy because it is sweetened with stevia and has all the natural vitamins, minerals, fats and protein I need.

I take 30-minute walks each day. I’ve improved my concentration and retention ability. I’m a person who never gets mad, but now with YOR Health my mood has improved; I’m happy of being able to share this lifestyle with every person who asks me what I’m doing to achieve this transformation in such a short time. That, of course, increases my self-esteem.

Regrettably, here where I live, many people have died from this disease and it’s more frequent now, even in kids. We need to share this health and happiness because we would not only help change one person, but many families. Thank you for finding me YOR Health!

Lo importante para todo ser Humano es darle una mejor calidad de vida en su Salud y en Su Economía Familiar.

Les Mando a todos los lectores de sudcalifornios.com un fuerte abrazo.

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